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Moledet (homeland) is an extreme right-wing political party in Israel.

Moledet was founded in 1988 by Rehavam Zeevi, who headed it until his assassination by PFLP terrorists in 2001. The main idea advocated by Moledet was that of resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict by reaching an agreement to transfer the Arab population of the land of Israel to Arab countries.

In 1999, Moledet united with Herut and Tkuma into a Ihud Leumi (National Union) coalition. Later Herut left the Union. In 2003, Yisrael Betenu (led by Avigdor Lieberman) jonied the National Union, and became the largest party in it.

After Zeevi was assassinated in October 17th, 2001, Benny Elon was elected as chairman of Moledet.

Elon currently represents Moledet in the Israeli government as minister of tourism.

Moldet Knesset Members:

1. Beny Elon

2. Professor Arie Eldad