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Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Order: Multituberculata
Superfamily: Ptilodontoidea
Family: Neoplagiaulacidae
Genus: Mimetodon
  M. churchilli
  M. krausei
  ?M. nanophus
  M. silberlingi


Mimetodon is a small mammal from the Paleocene of North America and perhaps Europe. It was a member of the extinct order of Multituberculata.
For those of a technical inclination, it's within the Suborder of Cimolodonta, family Neoplagiaulacidae.

Genus: Mimetodon Jepsen GL, 1940
Aka: Ectypodus (partly); Mesodma (partly); Neoplagiaulax (partly)
Remarks: McKenna & Bell (1997) lists material from the Upper Paleocene? of Europe.

Species: Mimetodon churchilli Jepsen GL, 1940
Place: Princeton Quarry, Wyoming
Country: USA
Age: Tiffanian, Middle Paleocene
Remarks: The holotype is in the collection of the Peabody Museum, Yale.
Reference: Jepsen (1940), Paleocene faunas of the Polecat Bench formation, Park County, Wyoming. Pro. Amer. Philos. Soc, 83, p.217-340, 21 figs., 5pls.

Species: Mimetodon krausei Sloan RE, 1981
Place: San Juan Basin, New Mexico
Country: USA
Age: Puercan, Lower Paleocene
Remarks: This holotype's also in the collection of the Peabody Museum, Yale.
Reference: Sloan (1981), Systematics of Paleocene multituberculates from the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, p. 127-160, in Lucas et al (eds), Advances in San Juan Basin paleontology. University of New Mexico Press, Alberquerque.

Species: ? Mimetodon nanophus (Holtzman, 1978)
Aka: Neoplagiaulax nanophus Holtzman, 1978
Place: Tongue River Formation, North Dakota
Country: USA
Age: Middle-Upper Paleocene
Remarks: Might be the same as M. silberlingi.
Reference: Holtzman (1978), NDGS Reports Invest. 65.

Species: Mimetodon silberlingi (Simpson GG, 1935) Schiebout, 1974
Aka: Ectypodus? silberlingi Simpson, 1935d; Mesodma silberlingi Van Valen & Sloan, 1966; ?M. nanophus
Place: Gidley Quarry, Montana & Wyoming & N Dakota & Alberta
Country: USA & Canada
Age: Torrejonian-Tiffanian, Middle Paleocene
Remarks: Weighed about 20g.
Reference: Simpson (1935), New Paleocene mammals from the Fort Union of Montana. Proc. US Nation. Museum 83, p.221-244.

Page references: Kielan-Jaworowska Z & Hurum JH (2001), Phylogeny and Systematics of multituberculate mammals. Paleontology 44, p.389-429.
McKenna MC & Bell SK, (1997), Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level. Columbia University Press.

(This information has been derived from [1] MESOZOIC MAMMALS; Ptilodontoidea, an internet directory. As that's my webpage, there are no issues of copyright. Trevor Dykes)