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Mike McGear

Born Peter Michael McCartney (January 7, 1944), Mike McGear is a British performing artist from the 1960s and 1970s, and a brother of Paul McCartney. He changed his name so as not to appear to be riding on Paul's coattails.

In 1968, with Roger McGough, he released an album (McGough & McGear) that entailed lyrics, poems, and comedy. The duo worked together, along with John Gorman, as The Scaffold and later released two more albums (both in 1973) as Grimms.

McGear released a solo album entitled Woman in 1972, which included many tracks co-written with McGough. In 1974, McGear released McGear in which he collaborated with his brother Paul. He is also a photographer, and has published pictures he took of The Beatles backstage and on tour.

He married and divorced Angela Fishwick and later married Rowena Home. McGear has several children, including Josh McCartney of the band Tripily.