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Mexipedium (V.A. Albert & M.W. Chase 1992) is a genus of the Orchid family (Orchidaceae) (SUBFAMILY Cypripediodeae) consisting of one species, Mexipedium xerophyticum, known from a single location in Mexico.

Mexipedium was discovered in Mexico, and a small number of plants were removed for propagation to prevent rapacious growers from plundering their numbers. Plants are now available as propagules. Its growth form is unusual in that it tends to spread by runners, offset from the parent plant by several centimeters.

Allied genera include Paphiopedilum, Selenipedium and Phragmipedium.

The genus Mexipedium is considered to be a Phragmipedium for legal purposes as regards to Appendix I on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).