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Martinus Thomsen

Martinus Thomsen (1890 - 1981) was a Danish dairy worker who at the age of 31 went trough a strong mental light experience, in form of a revelation, but which - according to himself - stood under his stir consciousness and intellectual control. This experience involved a permanent change of Martinus' awareness, in form of a powerful increase in his ability to love, his intelligence and intuition.

Martinus announced that he had gained access to knowledge that was cosmic, in the meaning limitless. During the rest of his life Martinus worked actively as a writer, symbol drawer and speaker. When he died at 90 years of age, he left a work which in the end of his life got the name The Third Testament. This consists of around 40 books, including the main work Livets bog (The Book of Life) in 7 volumes and approximately 3000 pages; some of it translated and published in English. As the name Third Testament suggests, Martinus means that his books is a continuation of the Bible, meant for humane people with an scientific outlook, who sympathize with Jesus message of love but can not be inspired by religion or dogmas.