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Maned Wolf

Maned Wolf
Scientific classification
Binomial name
Chrysocyon brachyurus

The Maned Wolf is the largest canid of South America. It is almost 1 m tall at the shoulder. Its fur has a reddish brown colour and is darker at the undersides. The distribution includes southern Brazil and Paraguay. In Uruguay and Argentina this animal became extinct.

Unlike other large canids (Wolves, African Hunting Dogs, Dholes) the Maned Wolf does not go in packs and does not hunt for large animals. A couple shares a territory, but only in the breeding season they are really caring for each other. At night Maned Wolves search for rodents, hares and birds. They also feed on plants.

According to new examinations the Maned Wolf is not closely related to any other canid. It is apparently a survivor of the Pleistocene fauna of large South American mammals.