Generally speaking, machistas doubt women's rights to work, play sports or perform at other, traditionally male-dominated areas. Many machistas also believe it is their right as men to cheat on their wives, but their wives can not, in that same belief, cheat on them. Machistas often would say women were made to stay at home and be mothers and wives. Most machistas also believe firmly in the superiority of men over women.
Depending on each society, machistas are seen with respect or disdain. In Mexico, for example, many men consider it an honor to be called a machista. Actor Andres Garcia has always been pointed out as a typical example of the Mexican machista man. In Peru, show host Laura Bozzo spends a good number of her shows exposing machista men.
Machismo is not only relegated to the Hispanic culture: Many view the over-power of men in the Muslim world as a manifestation of machismo, and also the refusal of the Catholic church to allow women Popes, priests and so on.
Some acts of domestic violence against women have been committed by men who consider themselves superior to women, therefore being considered as machista.