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Macaulay Culkin

Macaulay Culkin (informally Mac) (born August 26, 1980) was from 1990-1994 the highest-paid child actor ever, partly due to the high financial demands of his father acting as his manager.

He claims that his father drank too much and was abusive. He stopped making movies at 14 when his parents separated and his father could no longer control his career, and later had a come-back. As of 2000 he has had no contact with his father in four years, except for a recent telegram in which his father congratulates him with the resumption of his acting.

He married Broadway actress Rachel Miner in 1998, when both were 17; they split up in 2000.

He is a close friend of Michael Jackson and godfather of his first son and his daughter. They can be seen in a home video compilation Jackson released: they are shown playing, and going on holidays together, Culkin being 10 and 11 years of age. Jackson also claimed that Culkin and his siblings slept in the same bed with Jackson. Quote from Culkin, aged 20: "We talk all the time. I think we understand each other in a way that most people can't understand either of us."


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