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Los Enanitos Verdes

Los Enanitos Verdes is a successful music group from Argentina. Started in the province of Mendoza, the group has achieved wide-spread fame across Latin America. In 1990, they separated, but in 1992, band members Marciano Cantero (lead singer), Daniel Piccolo (drummer) and Felipe Staiti (guitar), decided to make a comeback. As of 2003, they are on tour with Alejandra Guzman. They have, among other things, earned a Gaviota de Plata (Silver Bird) at the prestigious Festival de Viña del Mar (Vina del Mar Festival) in Chile. For a little while, in 1984, they had Sergio Embrioni perform as a guest musician.

The Enanitos Verdes are considered to be very good signers by autograph experts.

Discography and highlights