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Long-billed Curlew

Long-billed Curlew
Scientific Classification
Phylum: Chordata
Order: Charadriiformes
Genus: Numenius
Binomial name
Numenius americanus

The Long-billed Curlew, Numenius americanus, is a very large shorebird.

Adults have a very long bill curved downwards, a long neck and a small head. The head, neck and underparts are light brown. The back is dark brown. They show cinnamon wing linings in flight.

Their breeding habitat is grasslands in central western North America. Nests are located on the ground in open prairie.

They are short distance migrants and winter on coasts in the southern United States south to Mexico.

These birds forage in fields, picking up food by sight, also by probing. They mainly eat insects, but also eat crustaceans in coastal areas.

The population was significantly reduced at the end of the 19th century by hunting. Numbers have rebounded somewhat in more recent times.