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American Lobster
Scientific Classification

Clawed lobsters comprise a family of large marine arthropods. Smaller varieties are sometimes called "lobsterettes". Lobsters have a tough exoskeleton, which protects it, and it is an invertebrate organism. Like all arthropods, lobsters must molt in order to grow, thus it leaves them vulnerable during this time.

Lobsters truly define the statement of “survival of the fittest” from Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Only the biggest and the fittest survive the ocean bottom because it is a fierce world with fierce competition. Those that survive end up on dinner plates. Lobsters are considered a delicacy around the world.

The environmental conditions of the lobsters can vary from ocean to ocean, but the lobster’s temperature environment does not fluctuate much since their home is large mass of water, the ocean.

Like all arthropods, lobsters are bilaterally symmetrical. The anatomy of the lobster includes the cephalothorax which is the head fused with the thorax, and the abdomen. The lobster’s head consists of usually two pairs of antennae, eyes, and mouth. Because a lobster lives at the bottom of the ocean, vision is poor and instead the lobster uses its antennas as sensors. The abdomen of the lobster includes its ten legs and swimmerets.

Types include: