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List of political parties in Puerto Rico

According to Puerto Rico Electoral Laws[1], the State recognizes any political party with 5% or more of the total voters.

Table of contents
1 Major parties
2 Other parties
3 Past parties
4 Political organizations
5 External links
6 References

Major parties

Historically, there have been three major political parties in Puerto Rico:

(in English)
Local name
(in Spanish)
Current leader Abbreviation
(in Spanish)
New Progressive Party Partido Nuevo Progresista Pedro Rosselló PNP pro-US statehood
Popular Democratic Party Partido Popular Democrático Aníbal Acevedo Vilá PPD pro-commonwealth
Puerto Rican Independence Party Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño Rubén Berríos PIP pro-independence

The PPD and PNP have exchanged the Governor's seat since 1948, but the PIP has also had an impact on the election: many consider that the small group of PIP voters could have made a difference as to which of the other two major parties won some of the close elections. This latter phenomena is locally referred to as the watermelons (or melones in Spanish), because of the party colors of those who vote for the PPD (red) but in reality support the PIP (green).

Other parties

(in English)
Current leader Ideology
National Democratic Party of Puerto Rico Celeste Benitez part of the U.S. Democratic Party
National Republican Party of Puerto Rico Tiody de Jesus part of the U.S. Republican Party

Past parties

(in English)
Local name
(in Spanish)
(in Spanish)
Members nickname Time Lapse
Puerto Rican Socialist Party Partido Socialista Puertorriqueño PSP socialistas (socialists in English) 1970s, 1980s
Puerto Rican Renewal Party Partido Renovación Puertorriqueño PRP renovacionistas mid 1980s

Political organizations

External links

Official sites


  1. Central Intelligence Agency (USA). The World Factbook (2003). United States of America.
  2. Commonwealth Elections Commission of Puerto Rico (2003). Puerto Rico Electoral Law. Puerto Rico.