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Lions Clubs International

Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organisation with 46,000 clubs and 1.4 million members in 192 countries around the world. The international headquarters is situated in Oak Brook, Illinois.

It was founded in the U.S.A in 1917 by Melvin Jones and became truly International on March 12, 1920 when the Border Cities Lions Club was established in Ontario, Canada. Lions is an acronym for Life In Our Nation's Safety.

Table of contents
1 Membership
2 External links


Membership was originally restricted to men, and women were regarded as supporters or "Lion's Ladies". That attitude has gone and clubs are now open to both sexes with no restrictions due to race, creed or physical handicaps. Membership is by invitation and attendance at meetings is expected on a monthly or fortnightly basis. Politics, religion or other contentious subjects are generally forbidden at club meetings. Lions are a truly community based organisation with a hierarchy that can take a member from a club to office at zone, district, national and international level.

The average age of Lion members is increasing and the average membership of clubs is decreasing in the Western world. This is typical of other service clubs such as Rotary and Freemasons.

Spread of Lionism

Lions Clubs International has had a history of support for the work of the United Nations since that Organisation's inception in 1945, when it was one of the non-governmental organisations invited to assist in the drafting of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco.

Lions are recognized worldwide for their service to the blind and visually impaired. This service began when Helen Keller addressed the International Convention at Cedar Point, Ohio on June 30, 1925 and charged Lions to be 'Knights to the Blind'.

In response to that challenge:

External links