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Lapland Bunting

Lapland Bunting

Breeding male
Scientific classification
Binomial name
Calcarius lapponicus
The Lapland Bunting , Calcarius lapponicus, is a passerine bird in the bunting family Emberizidae, a group now separated by most modern authors from the finches, Fringillidae.

It breeds across arctic Europe and Asia and in Canada and the northernmost USA. In North America it is known as the Lapland Longspur. It is migratory, wintering in the Russian steppes, the southern USA, and coastal Denmark and Great Britain. It breeds in wet areas with birch or willow, and or bare mountains, and winters on cultivated land or coasts. The bird is often seen close to the tree line.

The Lapland Bunting is a robust bird, with a thick yellow seed-eater's bill. The summer male has a black head and throat, white eyestripe, chestnut nape, white underparts, and a heavily streaked black-grey back. Other plumages have a plainer orange-brown head, a browner back and chestnut nape and wing panels.

The most common flight call is a hard "prrrrt" usually preceded by a more nasal "teeww".  When breeding, it also makes a softer "duyyeee" followed by a pause and a "triiiuuu"; both sounds alternate.

Its natural food consists of insects when feeding young, and otherwise seeds. The nest is on the ground. 2-4 eggs are laid.