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Language education

Language education is the teaching and learning of a language or languages.

There are several methods in wide use:

Mr. Farber advocates that a student follow several paths at once. In brief the method he recommends is to: 1) study the first few chapters of a grammatical textbook. Then 2) begin understanding a real text. He also advocates use of a 3) phrasebook, 4) audio aids to pronunciation, and 5) a written transcript for role-playing. Farber says that after years of study, the best way to learn vocabulary is to make up memorable stories about each word.

Table of contents
1 Acronyms
2 See also
3 External links


The study or learning of English in an environment where English is already the predominant language, such as in an English speaking country, by someone whose first language is not English.

The study or learning of English in an environment where English is not already the predominant language, such as in a non English speaking country, by someone whose first language is not English.

The study or learning of English in an environment where English is the predominant language, by someone whose first language is not English.

The teaching of English in an environment where English is not already the predominant language, such as in a non English speaking country, to someone whose first language is not English.

The teaching of English in an environment where English is the predominant language, to someone whose first language is not English.

This acronym might be a substitute for TESL more than for TEFL. It is sometimes preferred over TESL because English can be a third, fourth or fifth, etc. language to a student.

See also

External links