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Land reform

Land reform is the expropriation of land that is concentrated in the hands of large or wealthy landowners, such as plantations, and agribusiness plots, for redistribution among small farmers and farming collectives.

It has been practiced during the Mexican revolution of Emiliano Zapata, during various agricultural reforms in Cuba and Communist China, and around the world as a reaction to colonization. Land reform has been popular during decolonization struggles in Africa, as part of projects for African socialism.

Land reform was an important step in achieving economic development in many Third World countries since the post-World War II period, especially in the East Asian Tigers and "Tiger Cubs" nations such as Taiwan, South Korea, and Malaysia.

Since mainland China's economic reforms led by Deng Xiaoping land reforms have also played a key role in the development of the People's Republic of China.

See Anti-globalization movement, Zapatista Army of National Liberation, communism.

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