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Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is South America's largest lake, with a surface area of approximately 8300 square kilometres, located high in the Andes between Peru to the west and Bolivia to the east. Lake Titicaca is the world's highest commercially navigable lake, located 3821 m above sea level and having an average depth of between 140 and 180 m, and a maximum depth of 280 m. More than 25 rivers empty into Titicaca, and the lake has 41 islands - some of which are densely populated.

The origin of the name Titicaca is unknown; it has been variously translated as "Rock of the Puma" or "Crag of Lead". Locally, the lake goes by several names. Because the southeast quarter of the lake is separated from the main body by the Strait of Tiquina, the Bolivians call this smaller part Lake Huinaymarca and the larger part Lake Chucuito. In Peru, these smaller and larger parts are referred to as Lake Pequeno and Lake Grande respectively.