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Lacrimosa is a section of the Requiem mass. The music of the Lacrimosa were the last notes Mozart ever set to paper.

Lacrimosa is a German Gothic rock band led by Tilo Wolff and Anne Nurmi. Their unique musical style mixes heavy metal sounds along with violin, trumpet and more classical instruments, with brilliant compositions from Wolff.

Wolff has a deep, strong voice; many people thinks that his voice and the German language give the perfect sound for Gothic music. Anne balances it with a crystal-clear, pure voice and her skills on the keyboard.

Table of contents
1 Timeline


There are three important periods: an experimental one, a more metal, heavy period from 1995 followed by a more musical, cleaner period from 1999 to the present.


Their lyrics are mainly about loneliness, sadness, darkness, despair and love.
