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La Spezia

La Spezia is a city in the Liguria region of northern Italy, at the head of La Spezia Gulf. It is one of major Italian military and commercial harbours, located between Genoa and Pisa on the Tyrrhenian Sea. La Spezia also hosts one of the biggest military industries of Italy, OTO Melara.

It has no truly remarkable historic or architectural features, apart from the modern (about 1960) Cristo Re alla Spezia Cathedral and the Lia Art Museum. The post office preserves some Futurist mosaics by Prampolini.

Although La Spezia,peculiar in Italy by being a modern city (almost all buildings date after 1920),has no true attractives,its province includes beautiful places like Lerici,Portovenere and the Cinque Terre, all lying on the La Spezia Gulf, on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Famous people from La Spezia province :

Pop. about 95.000 Map.Ref. 44°07' N 9°50' E i