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Kumari, or Kumari Devi is a living Buddhist goddess in Nepal. She is a young, pre-pubescent girl, who is selected by a rigorous process reminiscent of the one used to select Tibet's Dalai Lama, in which she displays the 32 "attributes of perfection" (she must have black hair, properly shaped eyes, all of her teeth, etc.). Once the potential candidates have been narrowed down, they participate in an elaborate temple ceremony, where they must show no fear. The final candidate then identifies objects belonging to the previous Kumari and is enthrones as the current goddess.

The Kumari leads a privileged life in the Kumari Ghar palace and participates in various religious ceremonies, which include blessing the king of Nepal. She retains her position as long as she does not bleed. Normally, the first sign of menstrual blood is reason to replace the Kumari, but in some instances, even a minor scratch can be considered sufficient to remove her.

Upon completing her term as Kumari, the young girl returns to a normal life, though it is considered unlucky to marry a Kumari.