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Kukishin Ryu

Kukishin Ryu is a Samurai school of Jujutsu, Yoroi Kumiuchi (Grappling in Samurai armour), Kenjutsu, Bojutsu, Sojutsu, Naginata, Juttejutsu, Bo-ryaku (Strategy), and Sui Ren in Ka Ren (Use of water and fire), Bajutsu. The Kukishin Samurai were naval warriors, the techniques were designed to be used on a slippery, rocking boat. One training method that is sometimes used today, is to practice on frozen surfaces or ball bearings.

The school was founded in the 12th century by Izumo Koshiro Terunobu.

Formal Techniques of Kukishin Ryu

As with most other koryu, the densho (scrolls) are arranged in a particular order, and each Waza (Technique), Kata (Forms), etc are supposed to be learnt in the same order, mastering one before going on to the next one.

Kukishin ryu is divided as such: