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Kitty Genovese

Catherine Genovese (1935 - March 13, 1964) (most commonly known as Kitty Genovese) was a 28 year old bar manager who was stabbed to death on March 13, 1964 between 3:00 AM-3:35 AM by Winston Moseley, 29, a married business-machine operator. She spotted her killer before he threatened her, and was walking towards a police call-box when he attacked her the first time. Thirty-eight of her neighbors witnessed at least one of three different stabbings, and heard her asking for help. None picked up the telephone, or aided her, other than to shout at her attacker, until 3:50 AM. Police arrived in 2 minutes, finding her dead. Moseley was subsequently arrested and convicted of her murder and was sentenced to death, which was commuted to life in prison.

This murder lead to an investigation of the bystander effect, and was quite influential in psychology. In addition, some communities organized neighbourhood watch programs and the equivalent for apartment buildings to ensure some kind of attempt to aid people in distress.

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