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Justice Better Attained

Justice Better Attained, by C.J. Everon, is a novel based on the facts of an actual court case. Everon details the horrific consequences of judicial power placed in the wrong hands.

Few Canadianss are aware of a law that allows for the appointment of an all-powerful independent Officer of the Court much like the (former) taxpayer-funded Office of the Independent Counsel in the United States, which was responsible for the investigation of President Bill Clinton. In Canada, this civil statute bestows enormous investigative powers on one person but with a disquieting difference: the subject of the investigation must pay all fees and expenses, without limitation. Trapped too in the web of a money-driven legal system are the innocent bystanders, incapable of doing anything to bring to an end their own costly nightmare.

Justice Better Attained contrasts the devastation of judicial corruption with the healing capacity of simple human decency by paralleling the disparate lives of protagonists inexorably bound by the Napoleonic Code. The action spans a variety of locations in the Vienne Valley in France and Montréal, Canada.