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Jusenkyo is the legendary 'cursed' springs from the Ranma 1/2 manga and anime. Jusenkyo is located in a secret area of China. Many bad things have happened in Jusenkyo, mainly that people and animals have drowned in the various pools hundreds or thousands of years ago. Legend has it that when something drowns in one of these pools, the pool becomes cursed, and anyone falling into that pool will become whatever drowned there, although they retain their mind, personality and abilities. The cure (albiet temporary) is to be splashed with hot water. Then you remain in your natural form until again encountering cold water. For some strange reason, Jusenkyo has become a 'proving ground' for martial artists.

On the Ranma 1/2 series, people have fallen into the springs of the drown girl, panda, duck, piglet, cat and at least one character chose to bathe in several different springs!

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