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Ivaldi, an early Teutonic deity, is also called Wade (or Vate), Keeper of the Ford, in Germanic and Anglo-Saxon myth. The jotun son of a sea goddess, Ivaldi was a smith by trade. He and his sons - the Vatlings - were responsible for creating many magical treasures for the Aesir, including the ship Skidbladnir. Ivaldi's son Volund, the Anglo-Saxon Wayland, forged the Mistillteinn, the sword that cut the haft off of Thor's hammer, Mjollnir. This same sword is the one Hotherus (also Hodur, Svipdag) used in slaying Baldur. The myth evolved in later traditions, where Hodur is a blind god, deceived by Loki, and Baldur dies by an arrow made of mistletoe.

Ivaldi and the Vatlings fell out of favor with the gods when they came in the possession of the much-coveted Kvasir's blood, the Mead of Poetry.