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Irish bowline

The Irish bowline is a new knot.

Canonical Name:Irish bowline.
Variant name(s): None.
Category: L
oop on the end.
Origin: This is a new knot, the bowline is considered the 'King of Knots'.
Related knot(s): double bowline, spanish bowline,triple bowline,portuguese bowline, bowline on a bight
Releasing: Non-jamming.
Efficiency: 60-75%
Caveats: None.

The knot is a combination of the cow hitch and the overhand knot.(see knot) The knot is symmetrical and easy to tie. The difference between the bowline and a loop knot is the ease of untying; the bowline is easy to untie. The loop knot is stronger about 80-90% but is hard to untie.

Structure: Symmetrical
Tying: This knot can be tied in two ways.
First tie a cow hitch then cross the end over the standing part to form a pretzel.

Second step viewing the knot from the side move the end under the knot to the back then through the middle of the cow hitch to the front.

The third step is to tuck the end into the loop to create the irish bowline.

Dress the knot by pulling on all sides evenly.

Untying: The knot can be untied in two steps:
First grab the end and the standing part and pull apart.
Second grab the knot on both sides and pull apart.
The knot will fall apart.