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Internet Oracle

The Internet Oracle [1], formerly known as The Usenet Oracle, is a collaborative effort at collective humor in a pseudo-socratic question and answer format.

A petitioner sends a question to the Oracle via email, and (usually within a day or two) the answer arrives, also by email. As "payment", the petitioner must sometimes answer a question sent from the question queue.

A representative (and famous) exchange is:

 The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
 Your question was:

> Why is a cow?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Mu.

Many of the oracularities contain Zen references and witty wordplay. Most are significantly longer than this example and they sometimes take the form of rambling narratives, poems, top-ten lists, or anything else that can be put into plain text.

A complex Oracle mythos has also evolved around the figure of an omniscient, anthropomorphic, geeky deity and a host of grovelling priests and attendants. Other staples in conversation with the oracle include:

An assorted mythos of recurring characters — or in-jokes — has accumulated over the years. These include the worthless High Priest Zadoc, the Oracle's girlfriend Lisa, an assortment of deities, and the caveman figure Og. Many Oracle fans have mixed feelings about the mythos, as passing off an in-joke reference or story often becomes uncreative.

Delphic Research, Inc was an alternate mythos for the Internet Oracle, created by a group of people who, for one night, flooded the Oracle's queue of questions with prewritten questions and responses involving the research adventures of three women.

The "Oracularities" are compiled into periodic digests by a team of volunteer "priests," who cull the responses and select what they consider the best. These are posted to the Usenet newsgroup

The Oracle was started in the mid 1980s by Steve Kinzler, as an indirect descendant of an older game program written by Peter Langston in 1975-1976 at the Harvard Science Center.

Internet Oracle Derivatives

The Internet Oracle has spawned a sub-breed of question-answer website exemplified by the Conversatron,, and the now defunct Forum3000, among many others. These share the following characteristics: