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International Union of Mail Artists

The International Union of Mail Artists (IUOMA) is a group (described as "fictive" on its website, although it did once put out one issue of its magazine) to which anyone can belong just by saying so. In the mail art network the union is a real one with members, exchanges of information and their own Internet sites.

It was founded in 1988 by its General-President, Ruud Janssen. Chief Executive Officer is Daniel C. Boyer. Treasurer is Keith Bates (UK) since 1990, and mail-artist Dobrica Kamperelic (YU) is the Legal advisor of the IUOMA.

Anyone can become an officer of IUOMA just by asking for a position, provided no one else has already occupied it. Accordingly, the group has a "Grand Master", an "Ambassador to Cyberspace", and so forth, and none of these positions have any meaning. This is similar to, for example, Dogbert's New Ruling Class - a loose mailing list/fan club run by Scott Adams.

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