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High Production Volume Chemicals

The High Production Volume Chemicals Programme (HPV Programme) is an international programme to assess the potential hazard of chemicals which produced in high volumes.

The OECD assumes that high production is a proxy for high exposure.

The OECD HPV Programme is supported by the International Council of Chemical Associations(ICCA) HPV Initiative the chemical industries cooperatively are carrying out.

Various studies found that insufficient data was available on the health effects of common chemicals. The US EPA found in a study before 1999 that of 2,800 chemicals investigated 93% did not have sufficient data.

The US government defines high production volume chemicals as those organic non-polymer chemicals with greater than 1,000,000 lbs production or import into the US. These chemicals are required to have additional and highly detailed biological and environmental testing completed.

The US testing program was begun in 1999 with an expected completion date of 2004.

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