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Guardians of the West

Guardians of the West is the first book in The Malloreon, a fantasy series by David Eddings.

Warning: Wikipedia contains spoilers

At the end of the previous series, the Belgariad Garion has slain the god Torak and thinks that his problems are over. Initially this seem trues, with the first half of the book concentrating on the first eight years of Belgarion's reign, going through many problems including Ce'Nedra infertility and assation attempt. All of these problem sort themselves out, until Brand, the Rivan warder is accidentally murdered by assassins aiming to kill Ce'Nedra and her new son Geran. The assassins are traced back to the bear-cult, who have taken over several cities as their base of operations. Riva and the other western nations take military action against the Bear-cult, but while Belgarion and the others are engaging in battles Geran is kidnapped. Although Belgarion suspicion falls upons the bear-cult , it turns out the kidnapping was carried out by Zandramas who is the new child of dark.