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Grief knot

A Grief Knot is a type of knot.

Canonical Name: Grief Knot.
Variant Name(s): whatnot
Category: bend.
Related knot(s): reef knot, thief knot, granny knot.
Releasing: Non-jamming.
Efficiency: Unknown%.
Caveat: A joke knot! Incredibly insecure, fairly easy to tie.
Uses: This knot will unroll itself under light load - it is used by magicians to create a knot that isn't there.
Comments: Never use this knot for anything remotely to do with security! It has no security at all. However, it unravels rather elegantly: as tension is applied, the ropes rotate like little cogs, each one twisting to feed the rope through the knot.
Structure: This is a Granny Knot, but tied in trans form (as opposed to cis form). This means that the working ends come out diagonally from each other, whereas a Granny's ends both come out on top.
Tying: Take the two ends to be tied, create a bight (a U-loop, and henceforth called "the loop") in the left end, with the end at the top. Now take the right end, and pass it up through the loop, over the top of the loop, down and up through the loop again to go over the bottom of the loop, and then finally up through the loop to come out where the end first went in. The right end has thus taken an anticlockwise tour of the loop, going alternately under and over every line it encounters.

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