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Scientific classification
Family: Regulidae
Species: regulus
Binomial name
Regulus regulus

The Goldcrest, Regulus regulus, is a very small passerine bird in the kinglet family. It breeds in most of temperate Europe and Asia. It is partially migratory, with northern birds wintering south of the breeding range. In winter it is often found with tit flocks.

This is the smallest European bird. It is greenish above and has whitish underparts. It has two white wingbars and a plain face. It has a crest, orange in the male and yellow in the female, which is displayed during breeding. This is a restless species, constantly on the move as they search for insects.

It resembles the Firecrest, but is plainer faced.

They are birds of coniferous woodlands, although they are more catholic in winter habitats. They build an open nest and 4-12 eggs are laid.