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Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Ciconiiformes
Family: Threskiornithidae
Genus: Plegadis
Species: chihi
Binomial name
Plegadis chihi
The Glossy Ibis, Plegadis chihi is a wading bird in the ibis family Threskiornithidae.

This is the most widespread ibis species, found in subtropical Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. It also occurs in Florida and neighbouring states of the USA. This is a migratory species, with most European birds wintering in Africa

It nests colonially in trees, often with herons. It is also gregarious when feeding in marshy wetlands; it predates fish, frogs and other water creatures, and also occasionally insects.

Breeding adults have reddish-brown bodies and shiny bottle-green wings. Non-breeders and juveniles have duller bodies. This species has a brownish bill and red-brown legs. Unlike herons, ibises fly with necks outstretched, and often flocks fly in lines.

This ibis has a variety of croaks and grunts when breeding.