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General Sherman tree

"General Sherman tree" from
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

The General Sherman tree is a giant sequoia that is the largest tree in the world, as measured by the volume of its trunk (52,508 cubic feet as of 2002). The tree is located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park.

See List of famous trees.

Other facts

Height above Base274.983.8
Circumference at Ground102.631.1
Maximum Diameter at Base36.511.1
Diameter 60' (18.3 m) above base17.5 5.3
Diameter 180' (54.9 m) above base14.0 4.3
Diameter of Largest Branch6.82.1
Height of First Large Branch above the Base130.0 39.6
Average Crown Spread106.532.5

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