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Garlic dressings

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These are two garlic dressings recipes.

Garlic-lemon dressing

Place the garlic and rosemary on a cutting board and lightly crush with the flat side of a heavy knife. Put the rosemary, garlic and lemon peel in a clean bottle with a tight-fitting cap. Pour in the oil and lemon juice. Cap the bottle and shake well. Rerfrigerate and use within one week. Shake before serving.

Drizzle on steamed vegetables, or seafood, pasta, potato salad, or other salads.

Garlic and tarragon dressing

In a small bowl or jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine vinegar, oil, garlic salt, sugar and tarragon.

Pour it on lettuce or cabbage salads.

Garlic-Black Pepper-Parsley Dressing

1/4 cup vinegar 2. T. olive oil 2 t. garlic powder 1/2 t. black pepper parsley

Combine all ingredients and pour the dressing on boiled broccoli or cauliflower salad.

See also


This article contains information from and it is used with permission. Submitted by Irena Panduku.