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Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables

Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables is the debut album by Dead Kennedys, released in 1980 through the Alternative Tentacles record label in the US, and Cherry Red Records in the UK. Probably the best known album by the Dead Kennedys, Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables has become a major staple of the L.A. punk community and the starting point for Los Angeles political punk. Although now it is somewhat dated, Jello Biafra's strong leftist statements on songs such as "Kill the Poor", which has now become a punk classic, launched him and the Dead Kennedys into the political arena.

Track Listing:

  1. "Kill the Poor" (Biafra, Ray)
  2. "Forward to Death" (6025)
  3. "When Ya Get Drafted" (Biafra)
  4. "Let's Lynch the Landlord" (Biafra)
  5. "Drug Me" (Biafra)
  6. "Your Emotions" (Ray)
  7. "Chemical Warfare" (Biafra)
  8. "California Über Alles (Biafra, Greenway)
  9. "I Kill Children" (Biafra)
  10. "Stealing People's Mail" (Biafra)
  11. "Funland at the Beach" (Biafra)
  12. "Ill in the Head" (6025, Biafra)
  13. "Holiday in Cambodia" (Dead Kennedys)
  14. "Viva Las Vegas" (Pomus and Schuman)
