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FM band

In most of the world, the FM band goes from 87.5~108.0MHz, while in the Americas it starts at 88.0, at the top end of TV channel 6. In Japan the FM broadcast band is 76-90MHz, unlike any other country in the world. The name "FM band" is slightly misleading, as one can transmit FM on any frequency, but this band is primarily used for frequency modulation broadcasting. All of these bands mentioned are considered to be in the VHF band.

While most countries use frequencies ending in .1, .3, .5, .7, or .9, some use .0, .2, .4, .6, and .8. Still others use .15, .35, .55, .75, .95, or .05, .25, .45, .65, .85 instead. This offset helps to prevent co-channel interference, and take advantage of FM's capture effect.

In North America, each channel is numbered from 201 (88.1MHz) to 300 (107.9MHz) in increments of 1 (0.2MHz). 87.9MHz is technically part of TV channel 6 (82.0~88.0MHz), but is used by class D LPFM stations in the U.S as channel 200.

The basic formulas determining channels for North America as mentioned is as follows:

Normally, each channel is 200kHz (0.2MHz) wide, and can pass audio and subcarrier frequencies up to 100kHz. Deviation is up to 200kHz total, or ±100kHz, but is typically limited to 150kHz total (±75kHz) in order to prevent interference to adjacent channels on the band. Stations may go up to 10% over this if they use stereo or other subcarriers, increasing total modulation by 1% for each 2% used by the subcarriers.