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FLCL, a.k.a. Furi Kuri (or Fooly Cooly), is a six-episode anime OVA by Studio Gainax (who made Neon Genesis Evangelion and The Wings of Honneamise), as well as a Manga.

The series focuses on Naota, a boy living in a strange Japanese suburb, and the weird adventures he gets into when a pink-haired girl named Haruko drives up on a Vespa and whacks him in the forehead with an electric bass guitar.

It is largely a satire of Gainax's popular series Neon Genesis Evangelion. The series vacillates between bizarre, Monty Python-esque comedy and serious drama (particularly in the later episodes).

The series is significantly different from most anime programs being shown at its debut, mainly due to the large influence of Japanese pop-rock culture in its subliminal storyline and background music. Most of the background music was scored/produced by the band The Pillows, which has generated mass success and appreciation since the anime's release in the USA.

FLCL had a few runs on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block in 2003.

A couple music videos with scenes from FLCL were in the Anime Music Video contest at Otakon 2003.

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