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Filet crochet

Filet crochet is a needlework handicraft using hooks. It is usually worked from a graph or a symbol diagram. The basic method can achieve two distinct 'colors' - a solid mesh where three or four double crochet stitches form a square, and an open mesh of one double crochet, two or three empty spaces, and a final double crochet. The last stitch of a solid or open mesh is also the first stitch of the following mesh. Patterns are created by combining solid and open meshes, usually working the design in solid meshes and the background in open meshes.

Filet crochet is most often worked in rows using cotton thread to create wall hangings and linens. Using fine thread, it is possible to work intricate patterns such as passages of text and personal names.

As with all other types of crochet, filet can be used with any weight of thread, cord, ribbon, yarn, or anything else flexible enough to work with a crochet hook.