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Figure skating spin

Types of spins in figure skating include the following.

The upright spin is a standing forward or backward spin on one leg with the free foot next to the skating foot, the side of the toe touching the calf of the skating leg. This is the basic skating spin. The layback spin is an upright spin, usually performed by women, in which the arms are put in a circle in front of the body and the back arched so that the skater may look to the ceiling; the spin is accelerated by drawing in the arms.

A scratch spin is a basic but difficult standing spin on an inside edge (usually the left foot), with the free leg extended in front, the thigh raised high, and the arms up and out to the side; the leg and arms are brought in to accelerate the spin.

A camel spin is a spin on one leg with the free leg and upper body extended and parallel to the ice, arm extended upward.

A sit spin is what it sounds like, low to the ice with the skating leg bent and the free leg extended. It includes the descending spin to reach this position, as well as, the ascending spin to bring the skater out of this position. Skaters may land a jump in a sit spin; this is the flying sit spin.

In pairs figure skating, the death spiral has the man pivot while holding one hand of his partner, who rotates just above the ice.