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Erik Balling

Erik Balling (born 1924), director and creator of the Danish slapstick movie series Olsen Gang.

Balling started working for the largest and oldest Danish movie production company, Nordisk Films Kompagni in 1946. His debut movie was titled Adam & Eva and was released in 1953. In 1956 he directed Kispus which was the first Danish movie filmed in color. The most popular movies directed by Balling were the slapstick and detective movies in the Olsen Gang series. There were 13 episodes of this movie series between 1968 and 1981.


1953: "Adam & Eva"; 1956: "Ein Mädel zum Küssen", "Qivitoq"; 1958: "Einesteils der Liebe wegen"; 1960: "Glaube, Hoffnung und Zauberei", "Einesteils der Liebe wegen - 2. Teil"; 1962: "Feine Leute - so wie wir", "Das Mädchen Gogo"; 1964: "Tod bei Tisch"; 1965: "Kaliber 7,65 - Diebesgrüße aus Kopenhagen"; 1968-81: Filmserie "Olsen-Bande"