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Elvis impersonator

Elvis impersonators are people who impersonate or copy Elvis Presley either as a hobby or as a professional career.The impersonators work all over the world, they range in ethnic background, size, and talent.

There is much speculation as to how many Elvis impersonators are out with experts reckoning that the number of Elvis Presley impersonators has reached an all-time record high.

"There are now at least 85,000 Elvis’s around the world, compared to only 170 in 1977 when Elvis died. At this rate of growth, experts predict that by 2019 Elvis impersonators will make up a third of the world population." - The Naked Scientists, 3rd December 2000.

Some notable impersonators include;

Table of contents
1 Tortelvis
2 Martin Fox
3 Extreme Elvis
4 Chinese Elvis


Tortelvis is the lead singer of Dread Zeppelin (a funk-rock Led Zeppelin cover band)

Martin Fox

Martin Fox is an Elvis impersonator from the UK. He performs at various venues, concerts and functions.

Fox specialises in the 1970s-style of Elvis Presley.

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Extreme Elvis

Extreme Elvis is a San Francisco-based Elvis impersonator who performs a highly unflattering rendition of an Elvis who supposedly survives the 1970s only to grow more obese, and more addicted to substances. His highly controversial impersonation meets with strong disapproval among Elvis fans, and is said to be less an impersonation of "Elvis" as it is a caricature of American decadence—abusing the highly iconoclastic and universal archetype that Elvis once embodied.

Motto: "Every generation gets the Elvis it deserves"

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Chinese Elvis


Talk show host,
actor and comedian Caroline Rhea dated an Elvis impersonator in college.

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