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Edmund Gosse

Edmund William Gosse (1849-1928) was an English poet, author and critic, the son of Philip Henry Gosse. He worked as assistant librarian at the British Museum from 1867, and in 1875 became a translator at the Board of Trade, a post which he held until 1904. In the meantime, he published his first volume of poetry, On Viol and Flute (1873) and a work of criticism, Studies in the Literature of Northern Europe (1879). He became acquainted with the pre-Raphaelites and Algernon Swinburne.

From 1904, Gosse was librarian of the House of Lords, where he exercised considerable influence. He wrote for the Sunday Times, and was an expert on Thomas Gray, William Congreve, John Donne, Jeremy Taylor, and Coventry Patmore. He can also take credit for introducing Ibsen's work to the British public. His most famous book is the autobiographical Father and Son, about his troubled relationship with his father, Philip. In later life, he became a formative influence on Siegfried Sassoon, whose mother was a friend of Gosse's wife, Ellen.

Table of contents
1 Works
2 External links


Published verse

Critical Works

External links