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The term dude is used to describe a friend, comrade, or an associate. It entered the mainstream from California surfer slang about 1970.

The word originated in New York City slang of ca 1883, referring to a fastidiously sharp dresser, what the late 18th century called a 'macaroni:'

Yankee Doodle came to town, a-riding on a pony.
He stuck a feather in his hat and called it 'macaroni.'
"Dude" was short for "Doodle." The vogue word of 1883, was quickly applied to dressed-up city slickers, especially Easterners vacationing in the West, who affected elaborate 'Wild West' get-ups. Early attempts to create 'dudess' and 'dudette' have remained lame.

Depending on the tone and body language used, dude can mean:

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