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Demographics of Quebec

Current Statistics

Population: The current population of Quebec is estimated at 7,487,169 individuals.

Age structure:

Population growth rate:

Birth rate: The synthetic fertility index was of 1.474 in 2001.

Death rate:

Net migration rate:

Infant mortality rate:

Life expectancy: In 2001, the life expectancy of Quebec men was of 76.02 years and 81.85 years for women.

Urbanity: In 2001, 80.4% of Quebecers were living in urban areas.


By mother tongue: In 1996, 81.5% spoke French natively, 8.8% spoke English, and 9.7% spoke another language.

In the Greater Montreal Area, 67.8% spoke French natively, 13.8% spoke English, and 18.4% spoke another language.

By language most used at home: In 1996, 82.8% used French, 10.8% used English, and 6,4 used another one.

In the Greater Montreal Area, 70.6% used French, 17.6% used English, and 11.8% used another language.

Ethnic origin:

Religious belief:


See also:

External links: