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Counter-Strike console commands

In the Counter-Strike FPS, a console is available in game to change some settings. By default the tilde key '~' brings down the console.

If this does not work, right-click on the game icon. Select Properties. In the Target field, look for the option -console. If it's not there add it, leaving a space before and after it. After editing, your Target may look like this: C:\\CS\\cstrike.exe -console
Accept changes and double-click on the icon. When the in game menu is shown, you should see Console as the first option. Go to the keyboard configuration screen and look for something mentioning 'console'. Bind this to whatever key you want. This article will pretend you picked the tilde key ~.

Console command examples: // comments that you should read and not type in. Leave out the //

Steam, the new application used to run Counter-Strike, has added many new console commands. The main ones are MP3 playing and new script possibilities.

Buy scripts are easier now:

External links