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In Greek mythology, Corythus was the son of Oenone and Paris.

Oenone was a nymph from Mount Ida in Phrygia. Her father was Cebren, a river-god. Paris kidnapped her and they wed; Oenone gave birth to Corythus. When Paris abandoned her for Helen, Queen of Sparta, she predicted the disastrous results of Paris' attempt on Helen (the Trojan War, Paris' death).

Alternatively, when Paris was mortally wounded he asked for her to heal him since she was known as a healer. Oenone refused and Paris died; she threw herself onto his burning funeral pyre.

A third version of the myth tells of Oenone's attempts at breaking up Paris and Helen. She sent Corythus to drive a rift between Paris and Helen but Paris didn't recognize his son and killed him.