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Common Gull

Common Gull

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Charadriiformes
Family: Laridae
Genus: Larus
Species: canus
Binomial name
Larus canus

The Common Gull, Larus canus is a medium-sized gull which breeds across North America (where it is called Mew Gull), Europe and Asia. It migrates further south in winter.

There are a two distinct populations in North America. The shorter-billed American race breeds in western Canada and Alaska, and the European race breeds on the coast in eastern Canada and the northeastern USA.

This species breeds colonially near water or in marshes, making a lined nest on the ground. It is considerable smaller than a Herring Gull. It is only slightly smaller than Ring-billed Gull, but has a shorter and more tapered yellowish bill.

Adult Common Gulls are grey above and white below. Their legs are greenish.They have black wing-tips with large white "mirrors". Young birds have scaly black-brown upperparts, and a neat wing pattern. They take three years to reach maturity. The call is a high-pitched "laughing" cry.

These are omnivores like most Larus gulls, and they will scavenge as well as seeking suitable small prey.