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Cocksucking Cowboy

A "Cocksucking Cowboy" is a layered shooter - made from two parts Butterscotch Schnapps with one part of Baileys Irish Cream. The Baileys is floated on top of the schnapps in a shot glass (a small glass of about 30-50 ml capacity). The schnapps should come from the freezer.

Like all shooters, it is intended for consumption in one mouthful, with the explicit intention of becoming inebriated within a short time. As well as harmful to the health, they can be highly harmful to the wallet, as bars typically charge exorbitant prices for them.

This is also known as a Buttery Nipple, though the Buttery Nipple is often thought to be composed of 1/2 Butterscotch and 1/2 Irish Cream. Note that Baileys does not have to be used, but any type of Irish Cream may be.