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Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Order: Multituberculata
Family: Eucosmodontidae
Genus: Clemensodon
  C. megaloba


Clemensodon is a mammal genus from the Upper Cretaceous of North America. It lived during the end of the 'age of the dinosaurs'.
It was a member of the extinct order of Multituberculata within the Suborder of Cimolodonta, and the family Eucosmodontidae.

Genus: Clemensodon Krause DW, 1992
Aka: Kimbetohia (partly)
Remarks: Remains are restricted to teeth.

Species: Clemensodon megaloba Krause DW, 1992
Aka: part of Kimbetohia campi Simpson GG, 1936
Place: Lance Formation, Wyoming
Country: USA
Age: Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous
Remarks: A reassesment of a couple of Kimbetohia teeth, but not the entire species or genus.
The assignment of this taxon to Eucosmodontidae is tentative, (Kielan-Jaworowska & Hurum 2001, p.417).
Reference: Krause (1992), Clemensodon megaloba, a new genus and species of Multituberculata (Mammalia) from the Upper Cretaceous Type Lance Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming. PaleoBios 14(2), p.1-8.

Page reference: Kielan-Jaworowska Z & Hurum JH (2001), Phylogeny and Systematics of multituberculate mammals. Paleontology 44, p.389-429.

(This information has been derived from [1] MESOZOIC MAMMALS; Eucosmodontidae, Microcosmodontidae and Taeniolabidoidea, an internet directory. As that's my webpage, there are no issues of copyright. Trevor Dykes)